Living with Pulmonary Fibrosis

My husband Bill is in the late stages of pulmonary fibrosis, a lung disease with no known cure. This is our story of our journey through the disease and how it has affected one family's life.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Bill passed away yesterday morning in his sleep. He was suffering from hypoxia, from the build-up of carbon dioxide in his lungs and blood. His heart was working so hard to function without the needed oxygen. The hospice nurse was able to provide the needed medications to reduce his pain. Once the pain was stabilized, he slept for most of two days. The day before he died he was awake most of the day and lucid. He ate well and seemed reasonably comfortable. I thought he might be gaining strength and might begin to stabilize, but it didn't happen. We are thankful that the end was so easy and our peace about it has been a gift from God.

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  • At 8:41 PM, Blogger DogMa said…

    My condolences to you and your family. I have been checking in on you guys now and again, and I am deeply sadened by the news. I am living with PF myself and on oxygen 24/7. (I'm only 30 years old and trying to get a lung transplant.)

    I pray Bill is in a better place now and able to do all the things he couldn't in the months before his parting. I also pray for strength for you to carry on without him. I hope time heals your heart.

    ~ Shelly

  • At 7:41 AM, Blogger Unknown said…

    I can very much appreciate your struggle. My father is 72, and has been struggling with IPF for the last 3 years. Unfortunately, the disease has progressed very aggressively in him. He was turned down as a candidate for Lung Transplant at U of C. I am trying to cope. I appreciate you sharing your entire struggle.

  • At 6:31 AM, Blogger Daniel Taylor said…

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  • At 8:51 AM, Blogger Julie said…

    I just came upon your site. My dad, age 80, has advanced stage ipf, and we were just told there is nothing more the doctors can do.

    We would like to have him come home to die. Did Bill pass away at home?

    If you have any advice for me I would sure appreciate it.


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